Parametric Drawing #1


Spanish version.

Turns out that  exams give the time wings. As it usually happens, the exams consume as much time as they can and thus, it is hard to find a free slot to prepare new elaborated posts. However I have done a bit of drawing to catch the breath!

Probably due to my daily activity, I frequently miss in Illustrator the possibility of defining parameters whose value could be linked to certain shapes. In that way it could be possible to prepare an adaptative design where, only by changing the parameters value, the design would change.

Based on that idea I decided to do a couple of tests with Matlab and, with the result in sight, I think that there will be more in the future :). The image below is generated by setting the position and the radio’s value of a set of circles (code available here). in other words, given the evolution of X, Y, and R:




And afterwards, a bit of Photoshop to do magic.

Summing up, Matlab + mind in “exams” mode + Photoshop =


Have a nice week!




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  1. Pingback: Dibujo Paramétrico #1 | Turns Out That

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