Arduino – MPU6050 Getting Ready

English Version. Turns out that I have a MPU6050 (Accelerometer + Gyro sensor) and these days I have gone through the process of learning how to use it. If everything goes well, on this post you will find practical information to configure, calibrate and use this sensor. My “contribution” consists in the development of a…

Computer Vision – Circle detection

Versión en Español Turns out that I have been quite busy these days with my master thesis, but thanks God, I am ready to resume this healthy habit. Today, motivated by an article recently published in “Pattern Recognition” [1], I do have the intention of presenting some basics, problems and some simple examples about circle…

DIY – Automatic Camera Trigger

Versión en Español Turns out that I have wanted for a long time to do some miniprojects with Arduino and these days, reading about how to do some things with the camera, I found a simple and useful DIY. Initially I was interested in developing something like a remote trigger for the camera, but after…

Computer Vision – In focus regions

Versión en Español Turns out that recently I have been taking my first steps into the photography world, and I am discovering a great deal of interesting things I didn’t have think about before. One of the points I have been getting information about is how the auto-focus function works. Besides, some time ago I…

Computer Vision : Tracking!

Spanish Version Turns out that there are countless intelligent ways to track an object within an image: using features descriptors, optical flow, colours, kalman filter etc. But, as I am not a genius, and taking advantage of having done a simplified tracking code for a class project, I would like to use it to discuss in…

DIY: PS & Matlab: Scanimation

Spanish version Turns out that I have just woken up and, that counter which is only activated each 21930+-30 hours has moved! (happy new year by the way 🙂 ). The Christmas consequence is a “pending-post” queue waiting for me to have some spare minutes, given by my exams obligations, to post it (and a couple…

Ps & Ai #1 – Gif

Spanish version Turns out that frequently I need a video with specific characteristics in order to test some computer vision algorithms. Obviously, the Internet almost always has a suitable picture for each moment but, in this kind of obsession for learning how to do everything that I manifest, I wonder what exactly is, and how those short…